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Families First for Children

Warwickshire has been successful in its application to the DfE for Wave 2 of the Families First for Children Pathfinder Programme. This is a national test and learn initiative following the publication of the government response (Stable Homes, Built on Love) to the independent review of children’s social care by Josh McAllister. 

All local authorities are expected to implement the recommendations by 2027 and by becoming a pathfinder, we are going to be at the forefront of these once in a lifetime reforms.

The Pathfinder Programme vision is to rebalance children’s social care away from costly crisis intervention to more meaningful and effective early support. The pathfinder will deliver new delivery models for family help, child protection, family networks and multi-agency safeguarding arrangements ahead of a national transformation.  In particular they will be multi agency teams, which will be a great benefit to families and practitioners. 

We are confident that the Pathfinder changes will make a real positive difference to children and families in Warwickshire but understand that for some of you may have some anxiety around change. Our aim is to continue to communicate and engage but also to codesign with you over the coming months as we begin to develop our plans for the future.

Find information about Warwickshire's Families First resources.

Warwickshire Families First

Watch our animation - an introduction to Warwickshire’s Families First multi-agency approach to supporting children and families.

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions or thoughts regarding Warwickshire Families First, please get in touch via:

Areas of reform

There are four key reform strands to the Families First for Children Pathfinder that will be delivered as a whole system transformation. Find out more about the areas of reform:

You can also read about the latest updates of Families First in our Bulletins: