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Family Network Meetings

What is a Family Network Meeting (FNM)?

Family Network Meeting is a service available to those currently being supported by Warwickshire County Council Children and Families.

Find out more by watching the video by Family Rights group and reading on, including dedicated pages for practitioners, parent/carers and young people.

The Family Network Meeting service was formally known as Family Group Conference.

How do Family Network Meetings work?

Part 1- Information sharing

  • It is led by the FNM coordinator
  • The person who made the FNM request will talk about what is going well, their concerns and how they can offer support to the family
  • Other agencies will then share their offer of support
  • Questions will be taken from the family and answered
  • The children’s views and wishes will be shared during this part

Part 2 – Private family time

  • Families will always be offered private time as a family
  • This part is led by the family. The coordinator and other agencies will not be present for this part however, the coordinator can be there if the family want them to be
  • The family will talk about how things could be improved, and concerns reduced
  • The family will come up with a plan together

Part 3 – Agreeing the plan

  • The coordinator and the other agencies will re-join the meeting
  • Then the family will share their plan with the rest of the people in attendance
  • As long as it covers the issues raised, suggests improvements for the children’s lives and helps keep them safe, it should be agreed by the requester