Join Stratford Youth Forum

Each area of Warwickshire also has a youth forum which represents young people at a more local level. What is it you want to change in your community?
Do you know a young person aged between 11 - 18 that lives, or goes to school, in Stratford? Would they like to have their say on local issues which matter to them, plus make friends in the process? Stratford Youth Forum would love to have you on board!
Each area of Warwickshire has a youth forum which represents young people at a local level. It’s a chance for young people to talk about the things that matter to them and how they would like to make a difference in their community - and Stratford Youth Forum are looking for new members!
Intrigued? Find out how to become a member or supporter here:
Meet the team - watch their video here.
Every child and young person is a member of our community and society. To truly be part of a county that is child friendly, the voice of young people must be heard to help shape our future. Find out more about Child Friendly Warwickshire here: