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Warwickshire Youth Council launch grant fund to support local youth projects

The Warwickshire Youth Council grant fund is now open

The Warwickshire Youth Council Project Grant Fund is designed to strengthen youth provision in three key areas: Crime and safety, experience in schools, and mental health.

The Warwickshire Youth Council is pleased to announce the opening of its Warwickshire Youth Council Project Grant Fund, aimed at supporting the county’s community and voluntary organisations that provide essential services for young people aged 11-17. 

The Warwickshire Youth Council Project Grant Fund is designed to strengthen youth provision in three key areas: Crime and safety, experience in schools, and mental health. The funding supports projects running over a 12-month period, ensuring initiatives are accessible to young people at times and in locations that suit their needs. Grants of up to £5,000 are available with applications open from 27 September until 1 November. 

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Children and Families, Councillor Sue Markham, said: “As a child friendly county, we are committed to giving young people the support and opportunities they need to thrive. This fund empowers local organisations to deliver meaningful projects that focus on mental health, safety, and school experience, ensuring the long-term wellbeing and future success of Warwickshire’s young people.  

“We urge eligible organisations to apply and make a valuable impact on the lives of our children.” 

Nuneaton & North Warwickshire Equestrian Centre was one of the successful recipients of the Warwickshire Youth Council Project Grant in 2023. Highlighting how the funding had a significant impact on the young people they work with, Nirmal Singh, a representative from the centre said: 

"The Warwickshire Youth Council grant has been truly transformative for expanding our Changing Lives Through Horses program at NNWEC. This funding has allowed us to expand our capacity to provide vital mental health and wellbeing support to more at-risk youth in our community. Through equine-assisted therapy, we've seen remarkable improvements in participants' confidence, emotional regulation, and overall resilience.  

“The grant has enabled us to reach more young people during crucial after-school and weekend hours, offering them a safe, nurturing environment to develop essential life skills.  

“The impact on our users has been profound - we're not just teaching them to ride horses, we're empowering them to navigate life's challenges with newfound strength and self-assurance." 

An NNWEC service user added: "Before I came to NNWEC I wasn't attending school.  I had no confidence and couldn't speak to people. I worked my way through as a volunteer and now I am employed as a part time therapy groom where i share my experience with others and can empathise with them.” 

To be eligible for a grant, organisations must ensure their projects are inclusive, accessible without a referral system, and aim to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. 

For more details and to apply, visit Information for Friends and Partners – Child Friendly Warwickshiree from 27 September. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in your community! 

If you want to know more about Child Friendly Warwickshire, please email or visit the Child Friendly Warwickshire website:

Published: 27th September 2024