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Support for care experienced people

Warwickshire County Council is committed to nurturing and sustaining a positive future for all care experienced children and young people.

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The House Project

Commissioned by Warwickshire County Council (WCC), The Warwickshire House Project works closely with care leavers to identify the learning and support they need to move out of care and into their new home. This home then becomes a base for them to become independent and transition into adulthood. The House Project ensures that the young people maintain and sustain their tenancies by developing a community of support around them. The project is currently supporting its fifth group of young care leavers who joined at the beginning of September.The House Project helps young people to:

  • Continue their education
  • Find employment and training
  • Learn to cook a variety of meals
  • Manage budgets by providing financial training and advice
  • To maintain their housing by providing a range of support and advice

For more information visit The House Project website or email for more information.

The council also offers a bursary to young people in or leaving care who remain in education or attend university, supporting attendance at open days.

Events are organised throughout the year to bring care experienced young people together, such as summer BBQs, Christmas parties and celebratory events. The Leaving Care team provide advice on health, wellbeing and registering with a GP, as well as ensuring care leavers are visited in accommodation, have regular contact if desired and have access to personal advisors until the age of 25. With the support of a social worker or personal advisor, young people are encouraged to plan for the future, set up homes and apply for identification documents and bank accounts.

As well as work experience opportunities, care leavers are guaranteed an interview for Warwickshire County council jobs and apprenticeships and can access the support of careers advisors. A number of our care leavers are now working as part of our participation and impact teams! Along with all these opportunities, the council also encourage care experienced individuals to join the Children in Care Council (CICC) or the Care Leavers Forum to champion their voices and those of their peers, helping the council continue to improve the experience of all those in care across the county.

More in the Children and Young People's Hub