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Warwickshire Youth Conference 2023

Become the Voices of Tomorrow with Warwickshire’s 2023 Youth Conference

Booking is now open for you to grab your spot at Warwickshire’s annual youth conference ‘Voices of Tomorrow’ which will be held on Friday 3 November between 10am – 4pm.

Organised by young people, for young people, the Voices of Tomorrow conference will offer a friendly and safe environment where young people aged between 11 and 17 come together with local organisations to be heard and help shape the future of Warwickshire. 

Book your place

What to expect on the day

The conference will be held at The Slate Conference Centre, Lakeside Village, Scarman Road, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7SH between 10am – 4pm. Lunch will be provided. 

To find out how to get there, visit the Warwick University website

Young people have chosen 8 themes that will be provided as workshops by local organisations on the day. The 8 themes and organisations delivering the workshops are as follows: 


Climate Change Awareness & Sustainability

This workshop will give young people the opportunity to explore their feelings and understanding of climate change. Young people will be given the opportunity to act as Chief Executive Officer and create a sustainability strategy!

Warwickshire County Council's Substantiality Team will also give young people ideas on what they can do to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Safety in Warwickshire

This workshop will give young people an opportunity to enter a Virtual Reality World by wearing virtual headsets. Young people will watch various police and safety scenarios and then have to make difficult choices.

The workshop will give young people a chance to voice their opinions on how safe they feel in Warwickshire and what they would like to see happen to make Warwickshire feel safer.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

This workshop is all about Mindfulness!

Dr Dean Howes from the University of Warwick will help you learn a range of techniques that to manage you mental health and wellbeing. You will learn what you can do at the very the moment you are feeling anxious, stressed or low. This workshop will provide you an opportunity to learn all about mindfulness and techniques you can use in the future.

Careers & Opportunities

ThinkHigher and the Coventry Careers Hub will run a hands on and practical workshop that will look at job and careers that may be right for you. The workshop will also give you and honest and realistic idea of what it means to go into into Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Further Education. The workshop will create a space for you to explore what’s available out there!

Let’s Talk Money

This workshop discusses all things money! The first half of this workshop will have a panel of experts ready to answer any questions that young people may want to ask about money matters, including issues or worries they have around money.

The second half of the workshop will look at things that young people may need in the future and how to prepare and plan for them, for example, buying their first car, going to university, renting a property and so on.

Activities & Green Spaces

Think Active will be delivering a fun, interactive session to get you up and out in the fresh air. We want to find out your views on how to make best use of your green spaces and ideas to increase use of these spaces by young people!

Space for Girls

This workshop will look at empowering young girls and women to feel safe in their surroundings. It will explore how to increase their self-esteem as well as mental health and wellbeing. 

The workshop will give young girls and women the opportunity to listen and learn from the experience of other women on how they can feel more confident. The workshop will also give ideas and provide toolkits on how to keep up good physical and mental health.

Identity (LGBT+)

More info to come…


Download the Warwickshire 2023 Youth Conference Pack here! (PDF, 1.4 MB)

You will get a chance to choose 2 workshops out of the 8. You will also have a chance to meet and chat with various organisations from Warwickshire who provide different services to young people.

Some of the 25 organisations that will be there are Coventry and Warwickshire MIND, Warwickshire Youth Council, Warwickshire Police, You Can Flourish, Warwickshire Skills Hub, P3, Warwickshire Pride, Kooth, Safeline, and many more! 

There will also be lots of fun activities like a digital graffiti wall, henna, face painting, an artist, a magician, an arts and crafts area, a raffle draw (with loads of great prizes) and a Pick n Mix cart! 

Take a look at our 2022 Youth Conference

And check out the Youth Conference 2022 report (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Together we can be the voices of tomorrow, so use your voice to make a change!

If you have any questions or queries, please contact


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