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Family Help

Families should be able to access the right help at the right time from the right people, so that they can overcome challenges, stay together and thrive. We will establish a targeted Family Help Service to support children and families with multiple needs who are eligible for or receiving Child in Need (CIN) or targeted early help services. 


  • Remove barriers to accessing support, by bringing together targeted early help and Child in Need work into a seamless Family Help service, where handovers are reduced, and relationships are prioritised. This will include whole-family and strengths-based working. 
  • Increase in direct work led by a range of professionals, forming community-based multi-disciplinary family help teams. 
  • Family Help lead practitioners build lasting relationships with families, helping to develop plans, monitor and drive progress, and facilitate access to targeted services – as well as bring in additional professionals as part of teams around the family. 
  • Whole-system approach to leadership, with a shared practice framework that supports decision making  across the partnership