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BE HEARD - Children and Young People's Hub

Warwickshire Youth Council

The Warwickshire Youth Council is made up of young people who live in Warwickshire. This group represents the voices of children and young people living in Warwickshire, working to ensure their views are heard.

You can read more by downloading What is the Youth Council? (PDF, 114 KB)

Hear from people who have been involved in the Youth Council

Who can get involved

Young people aged 11 to 17 can join the council.

What is involved

  • A group of young people meet on the second Tuesday of each month.
  • Campaign on the top county wide issues voted for by young people as part of the Warwickshire Youth Council Election.
  • Meet different teams and services from across the county, who want to hear your views about what is happening  for young people in Warwickshire
  • Take part in short- and long-term projects.


  • Learn how to plan and deliver a campaign towards making positive change.
  • Make friends and meet new people.
  • Develop communication and problem-solving skills and learn how to work as part of a team.


More in the Children and Young People's Hub