Warwickshire 2024 Youth Elections - vote now!
Leamington II
Here are the next 11 candidates in the Leamington area:

Kanishaa K, 12
I think people should vote for me because I am passion, I get my work done and I love to help the needed, I love to see people smile when they know the that there is someone for them.

Violet B, 15
I wish to stand as a member of the Warwickshire Youth Council because i want to help the local community as i already do in various different groups, i will try and help and support people with mental health and i will also help to try and preserve the natural environment.
Alexis F, 13
As a member of Warwickshire Youth Council my mission would be to give a voice to the young people of Warwickshire and to make our community healthier, more inclusive and to protect and improve both the natural and social environments of which we live in.

Jed A, 14
I want to help the people in my community. And to inspire them to speak out for the change they want to see, to make Warwickshire safer and more child friendly.

Ishita S, 14
I want our voices to be heard. I want young people to feel safe and enjoy their youth! I want to represent the youth and help us be heard and understood. I will let the executives know about our struggles and issues so they can make changes to this society and support us. I will ensure that our opinions are heard and actions are taken in place. I want to make a difference. I will speak for our young people's community.

Mya M W, 11
As an autistic pupil, I want to raise awareness and understanding of all differences in children, to help them thrive and stay in school. I want to create a clean, healthy environment for us all in Warwickshire and encourage people to help and learn in the most fun ways possible.

Noah B, 13
Hi, I'm Noah and I'd love to make Warwickshire greener by sharing young people's views and fears on the environment and creating more accessible green spaces. In particular, I would like parks to be a safe space for everyone where you can play and have fun.

Cadence R, 15
i want to stand as a youth member to show young people that they have a say and they will be heard.

Zakaria J, 14
I would like to become a candidate to communicate to the people in charge about the true problems within Warwickshire as a place for the youth. I want to help create a place in Warwickshire in which everyone can meet and socialise after each school day. I was a part of this council in 2023 and there were multiple improvements to Warwickshire as a county, by voting me I will make sure there will be even more in the future.

Revant S, 12
I'm very passionate, I love helping my friends and family. If like anyone is sad or is having a tough time, I am always there for them. I am very calm and I always focus on my work anything my teacher gives me. Also, I am joyful to people and always make people smile.

Khadejah D, 14
I'm passionate about education and community engagement, I'll help make a positive change.